Behind the image: Dall Sheep at Turnagain Arm

October 05, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

One of my favorite places to photograph while living in Alaska was the Turnagain Arm.  The Turnagain Arm is a tributary of Cook inlet and was supposedly named after one of Cook's explorers had to "turn again" after another unsuccessful search for the Northwest Passage.


Today the Seward Highway runs along the Turnagain Arm and is a wonderful location for nature photography, particularly wildflowers since the south-facing slopes are the first to see the sun after the long winter.


One day in November I decided to take a drive along the highway to see what was happening.  The light was beautiful and it was past tourist season, so I practically had the highway to myself.  I stopped at a rest stop near Beluga Point, one of my normal stops, and decided to hike around a bit.  A few minutes after starting my hike I came across a group of ram and ewe Dall Sheep grazing along a ridge probably 50 feet or so above the highway.  I sat down as to minimize disrupting their behavior and within a few minutes they went about their normal business feeding along the ridge.  


I was fortunate to capture several photographs of the group and here is one of my favorites.  While photographing the sheep, there were Bald Eagles soaring overhead, and Beluga Whales in Turnagain Arm.  Good stuff.


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