Life Lessons From a Brownie Camera - Introduction

April 24, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

The Kodak Brownie

Introduced in 1900, the Kodak Brownie was aimed at getting people interested in photography and sold for $1.00, which included film and processing.  Essentially a cardboard box with a plastic lens, this simple design revolutionized photography and allowed people from all walks of life to enjoy taking pictures.


My Brownie, the Hawkeye Flash Model, was introduced in the 1950s.  Retaining the same simplicity as its earlier design, the Hawkeye Flash features a Bakelite plastic body, a rudimentary viewfinder, and the ability to use a flash.

Using this camera in the age of digital technology has been somewhat of a breath of fresh air, and taps into a creative spark that I find quite enjoyable.  Along the way it has reinforced some life lessons that continue to have an impact on my photography and day-to-day life.



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