A dear friend..

October 13, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

"One does not have to be alone to enjoy silence.  It has often been said that the ability to enjoy it with others is the mark of friendship and understanding"

-Sig Olson

Photo by A. Hangar

Many of my most memorable photographic outings in Alaska have been with a dear friend Bob Armstrong.  Bob has written and photographed all aspects of nature in Alaska since 1960.  Click here for his wonderful website.  He has worked as a fisheries biologist and research supervisor for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and as an associate professor for the University of Alaska where he taught courses in fisheries and ornithology.


I met Bob in the summer of 2007 when I moved to Alaska.  My wife and I were visiting Juneau and I was wandering around Steep Creek photographing a bear family.  We struck up a conversation and he graciously offered to show me some other photographic locations.  We met up each day that week and spent several hours photographing birds, plant life, and the bear family.


Bob is always willing to share his vast knowledge of natural history and I have learned so much from him, and I am truly grateful.  Thanks Bob, for everything.


Here are a few memorable photographs that I have made with Bob's help:



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