"Rules" of Wildlife Photography

June 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Pick up a book on wildlife photography and you'll likely come across several "rules", one of which is to only photograph during the early morning or late afternoon.  True, many animals are most active during that time and the light is beautiful, but if I subscribed to that rule, I'd have missed many, many memorable wildlife encounters and photographs.  Living in Alaska, for example, I learned that animals have such as short summer to get ready for winter, that they are active pretty much non-stop.  I've been able to photograph moose, eagles, bears, fox, coyotes, Dall sheep, and many songbirds in the middle of the day.  The middle of the day is often ideal for insects, reptiles, and amphibians that depend on the sun's energy to go about their day.   


Yesterday it was quite warm but decided to take a stroll at Greensprings.  I was fortunate to come across a doe with two of her fawns.  It was very challenging photography - there were lots of shadows that required a bit of patience to get a photograph.  I see deer here nearly every time I'm on the trail.  I suspect that the deer are quite used to human presence - there's a good amount of foot traffic throughout the day on the trail.  Here are the two images that I think came out the nicest of the bunch.



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