Ongoing project: Lighthouses

September 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment
"The lighthouse is an icon of rugged reliability, probably more so than any other structure built by mankind.  Lighthouses have been beacons, homes, and refuges and today remain symbolic of the world's maritime heritage."  
  -From Beacon on the Rock, by Peter Williams


**Updated 9/15/15**

In addition to nature photography, I really enjoy photographing lighthouses.  For generations, lighthouses have guided mariners towards safe harbors or warned of dangerous shores, and keepers of the lights have saved countless lives from shipwrecks and other tragedies.  Ida Lewis, keeper of Lime Rock in Rhode Island, is credited for saving 18 lives over a 39-year period.  Every lighthouse and its keepers can tell tales of courage, reliability, and heroism.  


My favorite time to photograph lighthouses is during storms or periods of inclement weather.  It was during this type of weather that lighthouses became beacons of salvation for the mariners in need.  When the weather turned foul, the keeper's steadfast dedication to duty in keeping the light shining hour after hour kept many ships safe and away from harm.


Here are a few of my favorite lighthouse photographs:




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