Lessons from iPhone..

September 30, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

During my week-long vacation using an iPhone as my sole camera, I learned some valuable lessons that I think will ultimately help my photography:


1.  Constraints foster creativity

Having a very simple camera with a fixed lens (not quite wide-angle, not quite normal focal length) forced me to look at my compositions more carefully.  I couldn't simply zoom in or zoom out - I had to use my feet!


2.  Aspect ratios

Being able to swipe through different aspect ratios was a lot of fun.  I could go from the camera's normal ratio (4:3 I think) to a square format to a panorama very easily.  I found myself using the square format quite a bit, and will continue to do so.  Yesterday I programmed my 'normal' camera's function button to be able to select different aspect ratios a bit more easier.


3.  Not looking like a photographer

It seems that everyone is photographing everything these days.  I recently viewed a video on the Luminous Landscape and the hosts commented that an estimated 2.8 billion photographs are taken each day!  It was fun to photograph some fun scenes at restaurants, shops, and around town without looking like an 'official' photographer.


4.  Photographing from awkward angles

A small camera makes it super easy to photograph at different angles.  For this lighthouse photo with the reflection, I had to lie down on my stomach and place the camera (phone) right up to the puddle.  This would have been much more complicated with a larger camera.


5.  A camera with you always

It's been said a gazillion times, but it is true - the best camera is the one you have with you.  I had my phone with me all the time, so my mind was constantly looking for and exploring unique photo opportunities.


6.  Print projects

I decided to select my favorite 25 images and upload them to Artifact Uprising for prints.  They had a special on their square print set, and they turned out amazing!  Their motto is "Off your device, into your life" .  The prints are on recycled paper and have a wonderful textured finish.  I will certainly be doing more print projects!!!


7.  Fun apps

I have really been enjoying VSCO Cam and its associated apps.  I have decided to start sharing my mobile photography on their site.  You can have a look by clicking on the 'VSCO Gallery'  at the top or by clicking here.


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