Summer of contrasts

June 24, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Of all the seasons, summer is perhaps the most tricky to photograph.  Autumn has its glory with the bold colors, spring has a delicateness to it with a sense of rebirth and new beginnings, and the winter landscape can be very stark, albeit beautiful, with landscapes transformed by ice and freshly fallen snow. 


However, living in different parts of the country, I have enjoyed photographing the contrasts of summer.  In the north, you have clear, crisp mornings with deep blue skies and in the south and the Caribbean, the haze and thick humidity creates a mystical atmosphere that changes minute-by-minute.  Afternoons come alive with towering clouds and dramatic storms that never cease to impress me.


Here are some of my memorable photographs of summer in the north:


In the south and in the Caribbean, summer has an entirely different feel to it:


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