Favorite photography destinations: Far North Bicentennial Park

October 21, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

A 10 minute drive from where we used to live in Anchorage, Alaska was Far North Bicentennial Park, a 4,000 acre playground with over 100 miles of trails that could be hiked, skied, snowshoed, biked, or traversed on dog-sled.  I spent many hours wandering the trails on foot, snowshoe, ski, and bike, and it was hard to believe that the bustling downtown area of Anchorage was only 10 miles away.


Wildlife photography was somewhat challenging as there weren't too many open spaces.  I found myself looking for more quiet scenes, often with my macro and wide-angle lenses. 


One thing that always amazed me was the ability of the small birds to withstand the harsh winters.  It was not uncommon for temperatures at the park to be 20-30 degrees colder than downtown Anchorage.  I remember one morning hiking when the temperature was 20-below zero and this wonderful, melodious sound came emanating from the creek.  It was an American Dipper, cheerily greeting the day with its soothing call.  I wasn't able to photograph this particular bird, but it was a wonderful way to start the day.  


Here are a few of my memorable images from the park:


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